My Students!!!

At last, you get to see some of my students! (And, more to the point, I get to brag about them.) Last Sunday we had a work event - a bus hike to Hakuba, one of Nagano's most famous skiing/snowboarding locations. Of course, we didn't do any of that!

One of the first things we did with the kids was "fish-catching", where a whole heap of dazed and numbed fish (straight from plastic bags) were released into a creek, and the kids had to catch them with their bare hands. It was really kinda sad for the fish... but the kids had so much fun I stopped caring about the fish.

Then, at lunchtime, we had yakiniku - basically BBQ. I was on a table with this kid. I don't know who he is... but he danced!

For a lot of the day I was looking after a 3-year-old named Shunta, one of my ex-students, and a sweet little kid. After lunch, when we split up into our groups and did activities, Shunta had a go on the flying fox:

One of the other activities (though we were only here for 5mins) was a toboggan-like slide down a blue matting. Rie wanted a turn, so she crammed onto a toboggan with this poor little girl, and tried to support Shunta on his toboggan next to them. I just missed the best bit, when Rie dropped Shunta and he went crashing over:

But Shunta is a little trooper and didn't even care.

Check out the photos of my awesome and cute students!


  1. That fish thing is an odd thing to do but I bet the kids had so much fun...poor fish probably thought they had been released...if they can think. Do you have all that "have to get the permission off the parents before you publish photos of their kids" like here? It seemed like a great day for the kids ...and the teachers!

  2. We have something similar to the releasing of the fish here. Instead we give the children a bag of potatoes in a field and then let them tip them out. Indeed the potatoes don't go very far and the game is over in a few dismal seconds... But children are stupid. They'll never know any better.
