Togakushi 2 + Fuji Rock

On Michie's birthday, her and I went to Togakushi. This is the place I went to with Phil and Kym in my first week in Japan. 4 months later, and check out the difference:

On the last weekend of July I went to Fuji Rock Festival - one of Japan's biggest rock festivals - with Phil and Reiko. When we were there, we met Ema (another colleague) and her husband and brother.

Unfortunately for Phil and I, we each only had 4 hours sleep before the festival... and it was a mammoth day! It took us 5 hours to reach Naeba (the ski resort where the festival was held), so we were there from 11:30am on Sunday till 3:00am Monday. Add another 5 hours on transport to get home... and it's fair to say we were pretty buggered.

Of course, we all expected it to be hot and suffocatingly humid. It absolutely pelted with rain!! Without an umbrella or jacket, I was in for a very wet day. By 3:30pm, all my clothes (from my jumper to my underwear) were utterly soaked. It was no different from if I'd jumped in a swimming pool with all my gear on - including my shoes. For the rest of the day it felt like I was dancing in a pair of puddles. But it was worth it. As Phil and I said countless times that day: "You're not hardcore if you don't live hardcore!!" (School of Rock.)

It was a day of Ben Folds, Beat Crusaders, The Birthday, Primal Scream, and Asian Dub Foundation, amongst others.

Togakushi and Fuji Rock Festival photos.


  1. I think that flower is a hydrangea like we have. I used to have one like that started flowering from outside and the middle stayed closed!!

  2. That's an awesome comparison picture... you don't ever notice how different something like that is without an older photo to compare.

    *slobs back into his jealousy*

  3. lol don't worry Phenie, I'm sure you'll be here soon ^_^
