Back From Australia

Thanks to everyone who came out to see me during my brief return to Australia a couple of weeks ago. It really was a fantastic trip, and I was so glad to see everyone I did. As was inevitable due to the nature of my short stay, I couldn't catch up with everyone, and those I did, I didn't necessarily get a good chance to talk to. My profuse apologies about that. But, it was better than nothing, and I'm glad I had the opportunity to come back and visit.

Since coming back to Japan, things have continued exactly as they'd been left, giving me the feeling that I may not even have left at all. As most people know by now, I've signed my third contract, which keeps me here till the end of March 2011. A lot of people asked what the next step is, and I have to answer honestly: I don't know. I'm not the kind of person to set everything in stone, because things always change, and although I have a couple of vague ideas, it's more fun to let things happen as they play out. It's gotten me this far!

It was great being in Australia, but it was also good to get back to Japan at the end of it. I'm happy here too, and while it isn't always so peachy, nowhere is, and you learn to live and deal with things. Besides, there's still a lot I can learn here. Again, probably my biggest goal this year is to learn even more Japanese.

2010 will see some changes to my workplace. The recession has hit Japan badly and as a result there will likely be some big changes. What those are, I'm not supposed to know, much less speak about. So you'll have to wait a bit for that!

Thanks to everyone for the support and kindness you've given me. Everyone really went out of their way during my Australia holiday, not just coming to see me, but making food and organising things for me. I'll come back to leech off your kindness again... but for now you're safe.


  1. So lovely to see you,I hope you enjoyed the ice cream and the cookie cake OMG Michael would struggle if he saw you every week haha

  2. I'm disappointed I missed your return. In and out so quick, Japan has indirectly taught you the art of the ninja it seems.
    Soon, I may be coming up for a second trip to Japan so I'll battle you then.

  3. lol im surprised u guys got bowls out to eat that mountain of ice-cream... i would have picked u two to just dive into it with spoons :P

  4. KB: It WAS lovely to see me, wasn't it? :D The cookie cake was awesome, and the ice-cream epic. My students get so excited when they see the photo of Michael and the ice-cream.

    Dale: Indeed, it was so quick. Next time I need to go back for longer, and not wait almost 2 years to do it! Hey I hear you've been applying for jobs in Japan! Any luck yet?

    Taz: Nevah! That would be like defiling a sacred site. Due manners are in order for such awesomeness!

  5. I hope you are going to make Kerry and I lots of yummy food!!!!

  6. I'm pretty good at making toast...

  7. Hey thanks for asking, yeah I have been applying but I keep just missing out because of lack of experience. So in the next few weeks I'm going to do the practice the course provides. I'll get it eventually! :)
