Video Blog

It was Sunday and it was raining. Here were my choices:

     a) Sit on my arse at home
     b) Get out and do something anyway

Random adventures are random.


  1. I'm so sad for your umberella alla alla alla,you will have to go to the hundred yen shop and buy a new one:)Lovely tour,I enjoyed it,Thanks

  2. Oh will have to do what I do with umbrellas...don't buy them. i have had so many turn inside out that now I only ever wear coats and hats....WHERE IS YOUR BIKE HELMET???? I can't believe after all those years of making you wear one that you live in a country that don't!

  3. Thats funny,so many miles away and you still get sprung,by your mother,for not wearing a helmet.You can pay the fine when you get home HA HA HA :)

  4. I like,very much, your new photo :) Is that correct English, Sir

  5. Ok, so I just watched that Video with my gf... and now she is wondering why the hell I can't stop laughing. I miss random Japanese adventures and getting lost... btw Kudos for mentioning me, a coupon for 15% of Fat Sick Balinese Prostitutes is on its way in the mail.

    Katsugen is the win. When I think about that place I nearly cry... Man I'm so gonna go back there some day... with or with out you.

    LOL! Jesus of Herbs?! I hate you and I hate your friggen Herbs! I remember the Brengers we made... TOO MUCH BASIL! I WILLKILL YOU!

    Ok... I've polluted your post enough for now... I should update my blog but I can't put up videos or photos >< Guess it can wait!

    Mike... OUT!

  6. Oh... I could edit a post... but I'm lazy. Saw Terminator Salvation... It made me a little wet... God it was cool!

  7. Oh... I could edit a post... but I'm lazy. Saw Terminator Salvation... It made me a little wet... God it was cool!

  8. Thats right I posted it twice.... SO this makes four! What you gonna do about it?


    i mean thanks for the coupon. It hasn't arrived yet but I'm so excited I can't sleep.

    It was weird riding around the town we walked around for for 90 minutes trying to find Katsugen... by myself. That was an awesome night. We shall go there again!

    And for the record, I don't need a helmet. My head is probably so thick that if I landed on it I'd probably bounce up into the air. (Just trust the physics. I'm a teacher.)

    I was pretty impressed with Terminator!!! 6 days before its official release in Japan, Phil and I decided we had to watch the first 3 again. (Yep, even #3.) Then we went to a special screening 2 days before its "official" Japanese release anyway. We smuggled maccas into the cinema. I felt really guilty because the cinema stank of maccas all through the movie. And the guy next to me looked like he wanted some fries...

    Transformers soon!! *twitch*

    Kezza, very nice English. :) You can join my Pre-Intermediate class on Thursdays if you'd like. ^_^ Unlike my mother, who wrote "don't" instead of "doesn't". Tsk tsk. Double homework for you!

  10. Oh goodness...I didn't realise that posting blog comments was supposeded to be The Queen's English!!!!! , and if you smash your brain up because you aren't wearing a helmet your grammar will be worse!!! and you didnt spell "through" correctly smart arse...becasue you are lazy!:)

  11. Well,well, well,well,You wouldn't think, that a tour of Japan,and an umberella :( that turned inside out would get so much attention.and thanks I will go to the top of the class for using proper Queens english LOL.You should have offered the man some fries,its not nice to eat in front of people.Please do not squash your head up because we wont know you when you eventually come home,I don't think your head would look nice squashed up,so next time you are riding and you take video,maybe put something on your head that resembles a helmet,like a pot or something,just joking ha ha ha,I crack myself up sometimes,probably crack you up as well I reckon xxxxx

  12. lol brenden u are so crazily random. :P
    im surprised u didnt get sick!!!!

    one good thing about riding your bike around there... there arnt as many ups n down like at home... riding your bike around nagano was fun! i was lyk "hey.. this aint so bad.. i should do this more when i get home!!" ... which i did attempt a week after getting home.... i died half way to pauls house near emmaus... DAM U HILLS!!! DAM U TO HELLZ!!!!

    heheh at one point when ur riding n u move ur cam side ways... i thought u where crashing ur bike for a moment :P :P

    pffffft i saw terminator.. it was alright.... i guess... seemed lyk 30 mins of dialogue... 1hr of unnecisary action... N I SAY THE ROBOT SHOULDA LIVED!!! SCREW THE MAIN GUY! he'll just go n end up getting himself killed eventually anywayz.. at least the robot cld take a bullet... :P
    TRANSFORMERS THIS WEEK!!!!! <3 to bumblebee!! squeeeeee!

    hmmm wat else can i rant randomly about.. err.. i think im out... for now!!!
    consider yourself lucky :P :P

    p.s UPDATE MORE!!!! or ill come back n kick ur ass again BwaHAHAHAH

  13. Wow! Spoilers any one? I think you need double homework too. He is right.. .your English is horrible :P

    Hey! If he DOES get his head all smashed up it will awesome... I can be his teacher!

    ... But I so ain't cleaning him if he shits himself.

  14. Where are you son? have you smashed up your head already?

  15. What a load of crap, I think you have all forgotten one thing!!!The poor UMBERELLA :p

  16. can you block the blockheads bogging up your blog!!

  17. My head would look awesome even if it WAS smashed up. And Michael, when I get drain bamage I'm gonna shit on everything. And every time I do, you're gonna have to clean it up. (Though, you might have to wait 5 days or so in-between each one...)

    But let's no one get our hopes up here... my head ain't getting smashed up for anyone. (I actually reckon that if I damaged my brain my grammar would get better.)

    Ahh! I need a grammar filter here, so that only those with perfect Queen's English can post. One that also sends an assassin to the house of anyone who says something stupid like "squeeeeee!". :)

    Don't worry Kezza, I haven't forgotten my umbrella. It's sitting outside on my belcony tonight, waiting for the right garbage collection day... which is tomorrow!! Horray, I can finally get rid of the damned thing!

    (Oh and Kerry dear, it's "umbrella", not "umbErella". Down to my Elementary class for you :D )

  18. Whose to say that the proper queens english doesnt involve the word 'SQUEEEEEEEEE!'

    ... and i dont believe i told to big of a spoiler, its terminator... there are many robots. BWU HA HA.

    Oh and BWU HA HA is also part of the queen's english.

  19. If I want to say umbErella, I will,I'm not coming back to your class,you are a mean teacher and when your head is smashed up I'm not going to change your nappies like I used to when you were little and sooooooooo cute.:)
    Big Al get back in your box :)
    Darling Brendan, enjoy your days xxxxx

  20. some people talk sh1t - besides I can't find my box!!

  21. Its about time you updated your blog Brendan.
    Max I could find your box without a worry.
    Yes Brendan, you still are so very cute xx

  22. I know :)

    But it makes me extra happy when I make you say it :)
