Onbashira is Coming...

Excitement for Shimosuwa's Onbashira Festival has been building for a couple of months, but now it has hit fever pitch. Recently, I was at my local supermarket when I heard the kiyari.  The kiyari is a kind of singing - not totally unlike a high-pitched yodeling, though still quite different - associated with Onbashira.  I followed the sounds just in time to witness a mini presentation/ceremony.  I'm not sure what it was all about, but the message was clear: Onbashira is coming.

The blue coats are called "happi"; these ones are for Onbashira

For some context, Onbashira only occurs every 6-7 years.  As our local festival, utterly unique not just in Japan but the entire world, it's no surprise people here get very excited.

Towards the end of March, I noticed that all the streets on the northern side of Shimosuwa have been adorned with festive streamers.  Even the narrow residential streets.

As of writing this, there are just three more days until Shimosuwa's Onbashira Festival begins.  Like everyone else, I'm really looking forward to it.


  1. I have been traveling to Japan annually and missed all their festive parades!
    I wish to watch Kabuki Theaters and Sumo Wrestling too but they have seasonal debuts.
