Why I Resigned

Why I Resigned (2009 Edition)

Who would've thought it'd come to this?

Let's think waaay back, to when I left Australia back in March 2008. What would you have said if I'd told you I'd be gone for three years?

Earlier this week I sat down with my boss. We talked about my time at EngForYou. In fact, we talked about a lot of things. I thanked her for everything she's done for me - professionally and personally. And I told her that this would be my third and final contract.

As of April next year, I'm going to be unemployed.

I want everyone to know that I'm not leaving because I'm unhappy or unsatisfied. To be honest, leaving Japan is going to be THE HARDEST thing I've ever done. I can't even begin to describe that. I've spent one eighth of my life here, to give you the number. That's a pretty big chunk. But it's not even because of that.

My decision to leave the company, and to leave Japan, is because I'm ready. It's as simple as that. It's the same reason I left Australia. I've had so many amazing experiences here, and I'm ready to experience new things. I feel like in order to do that, I have to move on elsewhere.

Which begs the question: so where are you going, then?

I don't really have a complete answer to that yet. I'll definitely be coming back to Australia next year. If my feelings don't change, my calling will eventually take me back overseas - probably somewhere else in Southeast Asia, which is where my interest lies. But that's all conjecture at this point. What I can promise is that I'll be back in Australia in some months, and dammit, Elise, I'll be there for your 21st like I said I'd be. But don't you ever turn 21 again.

Three months left in Japan. Three months to get ready for that horrible moment of separation.

But I'll be back. That, too, I can promise.

Have a safe and Merry Christmas everyone. See you in the New Year!


  1. Goooooollllyyyyyy see you at Elises 21st

  2. I have a list of things for you to bring back...mainly those sweet things we ate in Kyoto with the different flavourings...like black sesame....don't know whether they would get through customs. We bought some in Nagano and forgot to eat them. Are they still in your pantry????

  3. It'll be good too see* you again! * = punch! bwu haha.
    Nah, but seriously! live up those 3 months!!

  4. I just spent a damn week with you, which was awesome! But seriously, you don't have feelings. You're a man :P

  5. I am awesome, is what I is.

    Mum: Don't think so. You sure you left them here? I don't remember eating them...

  6. Hey! Resigned again? I see what you did there.
    Good to have you back soon. I'll take you to a Cranbourne Pub, if you're interested... haha.
