Summer Event, Canyoning

"Hello everyone!" I greeted my 4-year-olds with this morning, beaming from ear to ear.

They all just stared at me in silence. Then one of them replied, "I've seen Toy Story 3."

God... dammit...

I've got photos of this kid now, from last weekend. He's awesome. You have to check it out - he's got the most interesting-shaped head I've ever seen.

This year's annual summer event for the kids was different from the last two years, where we went bus hiking to the world-famous ski resort used in the 1998 Winter Olympics. No, this year - due to the whims of my school's owner - we went to a kindergarten instead. That's right, a kindergarten.

Okay, so granted, it was situated in a beautiful part of the mountains, and it actually turned into a good day. I took some pretty funny videos, particularly of the nagashi soumen. Imagine a thin slide with water rushing down, and people seated on either side of it. Now imagine putting food in that pipe, and the only way to get something to eat is to catch it with your chopsticks before it slides past. Sure, it's a lot of fun. When you've got 20 or 30 people doing it along the same pipe, not the most hygenic thing in the world. (Just watch the video... you'll see what I mean.) (I'll upload it real soon.)

I went canyoning again last weekend. You may remember I went last year too - it basically involves gearing-up in a wetsuit and making your way down a canyon: climbing over rocks, whizzing down flying foxes, jumping off rocks, sliding down waterfalls... It's immense fun. I think the photo below is me, but it could be some Japanese guy. Oh well, I'll post it anyway.

Frequently Asked Questions

(1) So what's been going on lately, Brendan-sama?

Well, I stopped making excuses for myself. Life is too short to waste on idle time, so I've cunningly devised a timetable to fit in everything I want to do. My weekly life now consists of:
- Three 2-hour Japanese classes before work (one is a private lesson)
- Jogging 8km twice a week
- Japanese study after work every day
- Reading
- Writing

That's on top of 42-46 hours of work. There's no room for cooking in all of that, so I do all my cooking for the week on a Monday evening.

(2) Does this mean you've gone crazy?

Most probably. But at least I'm getting things done in the meantime.

(3) When's this Binzuru festival you mentioned in your last post?

In a couple of weeks, but as it turns out, my school were too damn slow in booking a place in the festival, so we're not participating after all.

(4) Your hair is cool.

Thanks, I know. I get this question a lot.

That's all for now, stay tuned for more!


  1. Great photos!! How are you able to get so many of yourself canyoning? Does the guide, or someone, just use everyone's cameras for them? It is great to have all those photos of yourself as well as the group.

    What is so different about the kid's head???

    I hope we don't have to eat our food like that when we come!! Maybe it would be a good thing as I would lose weight....or starve!!!

  2. None of us can bring cameras - they'd definitely get smashed up on the rocks. The guide brings a special camera and takes all the photos, and then if you want a copy of them, you pay 2000yen afterwards and he puts them on a CD for you.

    The kid's got this big head that he hasn't grown into yet, and this little face. He's not as obvious as a bobble-head, but I still think it's fascinating. He's a pretty sharp kid - must be all those brains.
