
Though we had our first snowfall for the season a couple of weeks ago, today really ramped things up.  Heavy snow most of the night and all day.  Trees turned to bone-white skeletons, standing stiff in the cold, while kids in colourful jackets played in the sea of white, throwing fluffy handfuls at each other and rolling piles into snowmen named Olaf.

Darkness had fallen by the time I left work at 5pm.  I ventured to ride my bike home, though already the snow was too dense and dangerous in parts.  I took my time, walking my bike when I had to and occasionally stopping to take some photos.

Just after taking the photo above, I encountered a couple of students.  One of my grade three girls pulled one of my gloves off, exposing my hand to the stinging cold, threw it in the snow, and laughed.  She was just playing, but sometimes I'm pretty sure I teach monsters.