Borneo - Part Three, Singapore & The End

Although "Kuching", the name of the capital of East Malaysia, means "cat" in Malay, I didn't see any actual cats the whole time I was there. Of course, cat statues and ornaments decorate the city's interiors and exterior, but where were all the cats?

A trip to Borneo isn't complete without seeing the famous Borneo orang-utans. I'll never forget watching as these giant yet graceful creatures clambered across branches and lurched across impossible gaps between trees. This video contains but a glimpse of what we witnessed.

Almost every day we spent in Malaysia we would have an afternoon/evening downpour, but our very last day there was different. It poured pretty much all day; after spending the morning couped up in our guesthouse, hunger gave us no choice but to brave the rains and get some lunch. Streets became rivers... it was probably the worst downpour I've witnessed.

Finally, for our trip's final stop, we made it to Singapore. We only had a few days to enjoy Singapore's diverse metropolis, but we were starting to feel like it was a good end to the trip. Of course, that didn't stop me from my usual antics...

Being a bull...

...talking with statues...

...and fitting myself into a plastic bag.

Truly a fine ending to what was, without doubt, the greatest trip I've ever experienced.


I've been back in Australia for about three weeks now. It's good to be back, but I think everyone here knows my travels haven't finished yet. I'm not promising speed, but I will eventually get around to posting stories from my time in Myanmar. Of all the countries Kym and I visited on this trip, we spent the longest in Myanmar and I personally had the most fun there. So there's no way I'm forgetting about it.

Until then!
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